Popular personal assistant tasks include data entry, office assistance, creating labels and mailing packages, distributing flyers, sorting piles, organizing files, scanning, planning trips, planning a move, picking up dry cleaning, and even sewing.


English teacher, Spanish teacher, Spanish lessons, English lessons, German teacher, German lessons, French teacher, French lessons, Russian teacher, Russian lessons, Arab teacher, Arabic lessons, Mather tongue.
Choose the service that fix for you

Sociology tutor, Computer science tutor Kids Tutor Ibiza, Economic Tutor, Tests tutor, Algebra tutor, Writing tutor, Math tutor, Geography tutor, History Tutor in Ibiza
Cooking Teacher: Mediterranean cuisine, Asian cuisine, African cuisine, South american cuisine, Italian cuisine, Paella, Barbecue, Finger food, Molecular cuisine, Vegan food, Vegetarian cuisine, Sushi, Mixology, Cocktail making
Nature Photography, Landscape, Wildlife, Macro, Underwater, Astrophotography, Aerial, Scientific, People, Portraits, Wedding, Sports, Fashion, Commercial, Street, Event, Travel, Pet, Manmade Objects, Product, Real Estate, Food, Still Life, Architecture

Professional translator specialized in translating texts and providing in-person assistance to foreigners. Support and guidance for procedures at public and institutional offices, as well as assistance with service contracting and document handling.